“It is my calling to create beautiful energetic pieces to activate the Soul's essence.”

Allianchu/Hola! I’m Rebecca (she/her) and welcome!

I'm a MULTI CULTURAL & DIMENSIONAL CREATRESS | PARTNER | PARENT | SISTER | DAUGHTER | TÍA | FRIEND | COMMUNITY MEMBER. I believe the pieces we choose to adorn ourselves in and invite into our homes/spaces reflect our kaleidoscopic inner landscape. I aspire to cultivate a timeless & powerful connection between people and my designs; one that compels them to live a Soul-rich, deeply connected and meaningful life. My wish is for people to be emboldened to show up in their full expression.  I know ART alone won't change the world, but embodied, healing (cause it’s lifelong, imo) & connected folks CAN, DO and WILL!

My creative process is ignited and guided by ancestral wisdom, the natural, elemental & cosmic realms, textures, unique materials & color harmonies. Each piece is handmade and sculpted with heart + conscience by ME in my home studio on unceded Anishinabewaki land is so-called Grand Rapids, Michigan).

Guided by the elemental, ancestral & cosmical.

Each time I sit down to create a new piece of work, it’s like I’m performing its very own ceremony. I become a channel and conduit for wants to emerge through me. Using all of my senses, I begin the process of creation. And oftentimes, the materials show me how they wish to be transformed & expressed. Time becomes a fluid witness and I allow myself to simply flow.

As I continue to connect to and deepen my relationship with what compels ME, I’m able to offer beautiful works that activate, align and reconnect you to YOUR inherent radiance. FULLNESS of the Soul is a prayer and vision I hold for all of us. May my work inspire you along your journey of remembering and reclaiming all that is YOU.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of foundational relationships that inform my way of life, and therefore, my body of work.


Right Relationship with The Land & Pachamama (Mother Earth). Sacred 4 Directions. Elemental Spirits. Mystical. Metaphysical. Cellular Planes…


My Bloodline/DNA. Family. Culture. Plant, Animal, & Stone Kin. Ancient Ones…


Star + Galactic Kin. Planets. Stars. Celestial. Universe. Moon. Moon Phases…


Chosen Fam. Friendships. Local Community. Virtual Containers. Mentors. Teachers. Peers. Elders. Ancient Future…


My Child. My Community’s Children. My Innerchild…

Higher Self/Source/Spirit Guides

The “Sacred Flame” within (term adopted by my beloved and brilliant friend, Nicole France-Coe). Divine Feminine (and Masculine). Intuition. Spirits Assigned to Me at Birth. Spirit/Source Creator…


I’d like to dedicate this space to expressing my deepest gratitude to the luminous human Guides who have/and continue to fortify my Soul in profound ways. I implore you to know them + support/invest in their work and offerings (if it’s in alignment for you). What they offer this world is P O W E R F U L. My intent is to add to this list as more Guides are called into my orbit.

“You are the culmination of each and every wise & well ancestor, mentor, guide, teacher & kin who has unveiled in you your golden ever-emergent parts. The parts from which your work is born—with energy rippling out each creation like cosmic clusters of healing and liberation medicine.”

-My Spirit Guides